Commit cdfe9ac7 by remulo.carvalho

new version

parent 08c73384
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"speed": 10000, "timestamping": ["rx_software", "software"], "type": "ether"}, "ansible_fips": false, "ansible_form_factor": "Other", "ansible_fqdn": "", "ansible_hostname": "p-siaudi01", "ansible_interfaces": ["lo", "eth0"], "ansible_is_chroot": false, "ansible_iscsi_iqn": "", "ansible_kernel": "4.4.0-31-generic", "ansible_lo": {"active": true, "device": "lo", "features": {"busy_poll": "off [fixed]", "fcoe_mtu": "off [fixed]", "generic_receive_offload": "on", "generic_segmentation_offload": "on", "highdma": "on [fixed]", "hw_tc_offload": "off [fixed]", "l2_fwd_offload": "off [fixed]", "large_receive_offload": "off [fixed]", "loopback": "on [fixed]", "netns_local": "on [fixed]", "ntuple_filters": "off [fixed]", "receive_hashing": "off [fixed]", "rx_all": "off [fixed]", "rx_checksumming": "on [fixed]", "rx_fcs": "off [fixed]", "rx_vlan_filter": "off [fixed]", "rx_vlan_offload": "off [fixed]", "rx_vlan_stag_filter": "off [fixed]", "rx_vlan_stag_hw_parse": "off [fixed]", "scatter_gather": 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"128", "scope": "host"}], "mtu": 65536, "promisc": false, "timestamping": ["rx_software", "software"], "type": "loopback"}, "ansible_local": {}, "ansible_lsb": {"codename": "trusty", "description": "Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS", "id": "Ubuntu", "major_release": "14", "release": "14.04"}, "ansible_lvm": {"lvs": {"root": {"size_g": "23.76", "vg": "p-siaudi01-vg"}, "swap_1": {"size_g": "1.00", "vg": "p-siaudi01-vg"}}, "pvs": {"/dev/sda5": {"free_g": "0", "size_g": "24.76", "vg": "p-siaudi01-vg"}}, "vgs": {"p-siaudi01-vg": {"free_g": "0", "num_lvs": "2", "num_pvs": "1", "size_g": "24.76"}}}, "ansible_machine": "x86_64", "ansible_machine_id": "1b2e39edc4712776d71dbbbb5a15cdfc", "ansible_memfree_mb": 2881, "ansible_memory_mb": {"nocache": {"free": 3642, "used": 310}, "real": {"free": 2881, "total": 3952, "used": 1071}, "swap": {"cached": 0, "free": 0, "total": 0, "used": 0}}, "ansible_memtotal_mb": 3952, "ansible_mounts": [{"block_available": 4402330, "block_size": 4096, "block_total": 6097375, "block_used": 1695045, "device": "/dev/mapper/p--siaudi01--vg-root", "fstype": "ext4", "inode_available": 1277264, "inode_total": 1558560, "inode_used": 281296, "mount": "/", "options": "rw,errors=remount-ro", "size_available": 18031943680, "size_total": 24974848000, "uuid": "a6d6690d-7584-41fe-9b7f-33fac94f0560"}, {"block_available": 4402330, "block_size": 4096, "block_total": 6097375, "block_used": 1695045, "device": "/dev/sda1", "fstype": "ext2", "inode_available": 1277264, "inode_total": 1558560, "inode_used": 281296, "mount": "/boot", "options": "rw", "size_available": 18031943680, "size_total": 24974848000, "uuid": "83d3da2f-1835-4442-a139-8d330403f453"}], "ansible_nodename": "p-siaudi01", "ansible_os_family": "Debian", "ansible_pkg_mgr": "apt", "ansible_processor": ["0", "GenuineIntel", "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2 @ 2.50GHz"], "ansible_processor_cores": 1, "ansible_processor_count": 1, "ansible_processor_threads_per_core": 1, "ansible_processor_vcpus": 1, "ansible_product_name": "VMware Virtual Platform", "ansible_product_serial": "VMware-42 36 06 1e 3f 97 e5 22-c8 29 2a 3f 5f f4 1b 61", "ansible_product_uuid": "4236061E-3F97-E522-C829-2A3F5FF41B61", "ansible_product_version": "None", "ansible_python": {"executable": "/usr/bin/python", "has_sslcontext": false, "type": "CPython", "version": {"major": 2, "micro": 6, "minor": 7, "releaselevel": "final", "serial": 0}, "version_info": [2, 7, 6, "final", 0]}, "ansible_python_version": "2.7.6", "ansible_real_group_id": 0, "ansible_real_user_id": 0, "ansible_selinux": {"status": "Missing selinux Python library"}, "ansible_selinux_python_present": false, "ansible_service_mgr": "upstart", "ansible_ssh_host_key_dsa_public": "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", "ansible_ssh_host_key_ecdsa_public": "AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBDUSIyXO6P/qeKsFAgrbaV7WzKXji1z6ikezB+gUzyPapF0vZfxlb97u8Xy88VkEhHYNAGMlQflby2CyppBEICE=", "ansible_ssh_host_key_ed25519_public": "AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPfLMn2qCP+gooyoN8x9LGtt9xLMFzg+XXrvHx3VeA8I", "ansible_ssh_host_key_rsa_public": "AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC8abMdsq+VmFSnaOMJvTjAIVzQ1pVlkizSRZeRbwoKid74sI8bJc32jFC7g1h2RFRcV5gE1F3xOkNpTfY7T8v4dYKK42cEaJdruFwIBbvVY7iFVw7pb9hRkxvs96N8pRe8ewDT0y5LEQhW7xIGEwm5w/RFo8e9W3dw9ipRWfmMhDO0GcpQfeN1PRLxD6sTR2/ETbF3oPGgYzzFAyugti/ZHNHqBRO1pQRSdghLCoLEkYtHi+iYlO/r0UnYtGLEpthdP6yoII+rvi7pTgmYSCFzK4rOIMZwqNM1N7r3d54QAA/DLtv/9RmneqKqNPGghEOFfH4TxwW4MDlOPHp4rtJb", "ansible_swapfree_mb": 0, "ansible_swaptotal_mb": 0, "ansible_system": "Linux", "ansible_system_capabilities": ["cap_chown", "cap_dac_override", "cap_dac_read_search", "cap_fowner", "cap_fsetid", "cap_kill", "cap_setgid", "cap_setuid", "cap_setpcap", "cap_linux_immutable", "cap_net_bind_service", "cap_net_broadcast", "cap_net_admin", "cap_net_raw", "cap_ipc_lock", "cap_ipc_owner", "cap_sys_module", "cap_sys_rawio", "cap_sys_chroot", "cap_sys_ptrace", "cap_sys_pacct", "cap_sys_admin", "cap_sys_boot", "cap_sys_nice", "cap_sys_resource", "cap_sys_time", "cap_sys_tty_config", "cap_mknod", "cap_lease", "cap_audit_write", "cap_audit_control", "cap_setfcap", "cap_mac_override", "cap_mac_admin", "cap_syslog", "cap_wake_alarm", "cap_block_suspend", "37+ep"], "ansible_system_capabilities_enforced": "True", "ansible_system_vendor": "VMware, Inc.", "ansible_uptime_seconds": 8808943, "ansible_user_dir": "/root", "ansible_user_gecos": "root", "ansible_user_gid": 0, "ansible_user_id": "root", "ansible_user_shell": "/bin/bash", "ansible_user_uid": 0, "ansible_userspace_architecture": "x86_64", "ansible_userspace_bits": "64", "ansible_virtualization_role": "guest", "ansible_virtualization_type": "VMware", "gather_subset": ["all"], "module_setup": true}, "changed": false}
\ No newline at end of file
- hosts: all
gather_facts: yes
become_user: root
- name: Limpa as configurações de proxy do yum.conf
dest: /etc/yum.conf
regexp: 'proxy'
state: absent
- name: Setar o proxy no yum.conf para a DMZ
when: (ansible_distribution == "CentOS" and ansible_default_ipv4.address | match("172.27."))
dest: /etc/yum.conf
line: proxy=
state: present
- name: Setar o proxy no yum.conf para a Rede Interna
when: (ansible_distribution == "CentOS" and ansible_default_ipv4.address | match("10.0."))
dest: /etc/yum.conf
line: proxy=
state: present
- name: Update packages Centos 6 e 7
when: (ansible_distribution == "CentOS")
#when: (ansible_distribution == "CentOS" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "6")
yum: name=tzdata-*,ntp state=latest
- name: Update packages on Ubuntu
when: (ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' and ansible_distribution_major_version == '14')
name: {{ packages }}
- ntp
- ntpdate
- tzdata
- tzdata-java
state: latest
update_cache: yes
- name: Atualiza o Tzdata do RedHat 6x via yum local.
when: (ansible_distribution == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "6")
disablerepo: "*"
state: present
- name: Atualiza o tzdata do RedHat 7.x via yum local.
when: (ansible_distribution == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "7")
disablerepo: "*"
state: present
- name: Update Tzdata JVM
when: (ansible_distribution == "RedHat")
#shell: sudo /usr/bin/java -jar /home/svcansible/tzupdate/tzupdater.jar -l file:///home/svcansible/tzupdate/tzdata-latest.tar.gz -v -u
shell: cd /tmp/; wget; wget; sudo /usr/bin/java -jar /tmp/tzupdater.jar -l file:///tmp/tzdata-latest.tar.gz -v -u; rm -rf tzdata*; rm -rf tzupdater.*
ignore_errors: yes
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